Berguedà adventure #1
We started our way to explore in Guardiola de Berga, directly to the Via Nicolau, that was an old route made for wood transport from Gisclareny to Guardiola de Berga. Nowadays a nice route to connect this two littles towns. It’s easy, some roots, rocks and today MUD, but It was easy and fun! We will found here trunk piles, wood bridges, and a hanged bridge! Just unexpected to find this here at the start of the route.
Saturday evening was raining, cooling down the extreme summer hot, just perfect for a nice a fresh morning ride!
Once in Bagà we take the road to Coll de l’Escriga and Coll de la Bena, nice and smooth road, 12,8 km +650m 5% average but be aware! You will find 4km at 10-15%. When we reach the summit of the Coll de l’Escriga we can enjoy an spectacular views from Pedraforca with snake-ish road dancing just in front of us. Ready to enjoy the short downhill with a smile in our face!
After Gisclareny we started the groads! (gravel roads). Following the GR (red & white) marks. It’s a easy downhill groad, with some short uphills where we found and old house in the middle of no where, with a nice bench with shadow,the nicest place for rest while and eat an energy bar, magic. Now, full of energy the fun factor is on point, just flowing down direction Bagà.
While we where enjoying the downhill to Bagà, the last obstacle was ready to come, about 800m of rocky single track, at first sight was challenging and fund but fast become too slippery & dangerous so was time to walk a little bit.
Finally, a good groad to push hard and let the steel frame make the magic until Bagà, where we cross, the town, and take another small & easy single track, to conect Bagà to Guardiola.
Time for a v60 coffee, legs up, and rest!